Harmful for Our Children’s Future



Excerpt from Alberta Curriculum Analysis article: An open letter to Albertans

Dear Alberta Parents / New / Expecting / Hopeful and Non Parents; Grandparents; First Nation, Metis, & Inuit Elders and Knowledge Keepers; LGBTQ2++; Aunties/Uncles; Elementary/High School/College/University Students; Business Owners; and Community Partners, of every culture, race, gender, religion, and political party,

It is time to face the seriousness of the foreseeable impact and harm the 2021 UCP Draft K-6 Curriculum will have on our children’s future. And it is serious. Our province’s educational experts have declared that this curriculum will cause intellectual, mental, emotional, social, and spiritual HARM to our children and ethical and moral HARM to our teachers. Is this the future we want for our province?

It is clear the Minister of Education is not listening to the ATA, teachers, school boards, & educational experts who have clearly said NO to this 2021 UCP Draft K-6 curriculum. It is clear that our Premier doesn’t care either and is vehemently defending the document. It is now up to you, Alberta’s public, to understand the issues with this curriculum and take a stand. This is a call to set aside your political views and biases and listen to the red flags that are being raised. THIS IS A CALL TO ACTION.


The Weight of the World


No Means No