2021 Alberta Curriculum Analysis



Excerpt from Alberta Curriculum Analysis Article Review of 2021 Wellness Curriculum Draft

I am writing to express my very serious concerns about the proposed Wellness Curriculum, along with how other areas in the proposed curriculum may impact youth and teacher wellness.

I begin with declaring my education and experience that gives me a solid professional and educated perspective to review this curriculum.  I have a Ph.D. in Educational Psychology with a focus on youth health and wellness in schools, particularly eating disorder and obesity prevention.  I was a former elementary teacher with a combined B.F.A. and B.Ed. degree, so am familiar with the developmental and educational needs of youth.  I helped to design the Comprehensive School Health course for pre-service teachers at the University of Calgary.  I have taught courses on Child Development, Ethics, and train teachers on trauma-informed approaches to teaching, Comprehensive School Health, eating disorder prevention in schools, and social justice.  I recently facilitated a provincial workshop on weight-related issues in health care.  I have written articles and book chapters about the importance of eating disorder prevention in schools.  I was an invited professional in the original community focus groups to review and develop the 2018 Wellness Curriculum and was invited to review the entire curriculum from an inclusive and cross-curricular perspective of health and wellness.  

I initially reached out to my MLA, Jason Copping, in October, 2019 to express… READ MORE


Letter to the Editor